Sylvette lemagnen
The Bayeux Tapestry is one of the most represented works of art across the globe. Even before discovering it within the museum where it is displayed, each and every one of us has seen at least one illustration of one of the 58 scenes it comprises. And it always comes as a surprise to the visitor who never imagined it to be as long, or as narrow, or as lively or as colourful as it is in real life. It enthuses audiences of all origins.No-one is insensitive to this 950 year-old story, which is told in the form of image and Latin text.
In stock

Quantité en stock : 2

EAN 9782815107280
Éditeur OREP
Date de parution 23/03/2023
Format 24.00 cm x 17.00 cm x 4.00 cm
Nombre de pages 32
6.70 €
6.70 €
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Librairie Saint-Norbert
Abbaye Saint-Martin de Mondaye
81, route aux Ânes
14250 Juaye-Mondaye

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