
Histoire de l'art contemporain

Jean-luc chalumeau

According to what George Dickie has taught us, these days any artefact can be deemed a work of art as long as the « art world » chooses to consider it as such.
One of the goals of this book is to explore the diverse ways in which artists ranging from Marcel Duchamp, to video art experts, to Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol and the « minimalists » have contributed to today's broad notion of what constitutes an artistic work.
In retracing this development, the author is actually relating the entire post-1912 history of modern art, inasmuch as what we call « contemporary » art is one of its inseparable parts.

Jean-Luc Chalumeau, an art critic and author of numerous major works on modern art, is also the founding director of the magazine Verso Arts et Lettres. Formerly a senior lecturer at « Sciences Po » and the École nationale d'administration (ENA), he is currently teaching the History of Contemporary Art at Institut supérieur des carrières artistiques (ICART).

Disponible sous 3/4 jours

Quantité en stock : 0

EAN 9782252034958
Collection 50 questions
Date de parution 10/01/2005
Format 11 mm x 210 mm x 135 mm
Nombre de pages 192
Presentation Broché
20,00 €
20,00 €
Dove trovarci?
Librairie Saint-Norbert
Abbaye Saint-Martin de Mondaye
81, route aux Ânes
14250 Juaye-Mondaye

Lundi : 14h30-17h45 (et pendant les vacances scolaires zone B : 9h-11h45)
Mardi : 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Mercredi: 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Jeudi : 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Vendredi: 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Samedi: 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Dimanche: 9h-10h45 14h30-17h45



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