Etudes grégoriennes XL - 2013

Daniela v. ARETIN,The Chicken and the Egg Music Theory and the Genesis of Musical Notation Charles ATKINSON, The Ohio State University School of Music,The Anonymus Vaticanus in speculo Eduardo HENRIK AUBERT, University of Cambridge,When the roman liturgy became Frankish - Sound, Performance and Sublation in the Eighth and Ninth centuries Sam BARRETT, University of Cambridge,Neumes in a Ninth-Century Verse Collection and the Early History of Messine Notation at Laon Marie Noël COLETTE, E.P.H.E., Paris,Scribere qui nescit, sensum Deus augeat illi : remarques sur quelques témoignages de l'apprentissage de la notation musicale Fabrizio CRIVELLO, Università degli Studi di Torino,High-Grade Manuscripts and Neumatic Notation in the Carolingian Era: Examples and Observations Jeremy LLEWELLYN,Grammar, Writing and Chant: Notker the Editor and the Epistola ad Lantbertum . Daniel SAULNIER, Tours, Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance,Nouvelles perspectives sur la coupure neumatique Giovanni VARELLI, University of Cambridge,The Early Written Transmission of Chant in Northern Italy: The Evidence of Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, B 48 SUP., ff. 141-142 . Susana ZAPKE, Konservatorium Wien,Coexistencia de signos y funciones en la cultura visigótica escrita: Notas marginales.
Arrêt de commercialisation

Quantité en stock : 0

EAN 9782852742314
Date de parution 01/09/2013
Format 1.8 cm x 24 cm x 17 cm
Nombre de pages 316
Presentation Broché
30,00 €
30,00 €
Dove trovarci?
Librairie Saint-Norbert
Abbaye Saint-Martin de Mondaye
81, route aux Ânes
14250 Juaye-Mondaye

Lundi : 14h30-17h45 (et pendant les vacances scolaires zone B : 9h-11h45)
Mardi : 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Mercredi: 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Jeudi : 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Vendredi: 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Samedi: 9h-11h45 14h30-17h45 
Dimanche: 9h-10h45 14h30-17h45



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